Project Safety

Project Safety

We ensure project facilities are designed, constructed, and operated safely by properly trained employees and comply with all rules and regulations set forth by our community and government.

Design and Construction

Our pipeline system is designed and built in accordance with the pipeline safety standards established by industry experts and the Department of Transportation (DOT). Safety measures include:

  • Design: Modern technologies and materials are used to ensure safety is built into the Project from the start.
  • Construction: The pipeline facilities are monitored by qualified inspectors during the construction process to meet quality standards and comply with applicable codes and standards.
  • Welding: All welders on the Project are required to pass qualifications tests. All welds on the piping will be required to pass visual and other non-destructive tests before the facility is placed into operation.
  • Strength Testing: Before being placed into operation, the pipeline and station piping will be hydrostatically tested (pressurizing a pipeline with water to a level that exceeds the stress at which the pipeline will operate). This procedure will ensure the strength and integrity of the pipe before being placed into service.

Environmental Protection during Construction

Before construction begins, all construction personnel will receive environmental training focused on their responsibilities. Construction activities will fully comply with the requirements and provisions of the environmental permits issued for the project, including the requirements of the FERC's Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation and Maintenance Plan (Plan) and Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures (Procedures). We will employ environmental inspectors separate from the construction crew and contractors, who will oversee and enforce adherence to environmental requirements. These environmental inspectors will have the authority to shut down construction, if necessary, to ensure environmental compliance.

Safety Systems and Monitoring at Compressor Stations

Safety systems will be installed at compressor stations, including Emergency Shutdown Systems. While the facilities are in operation, employees will monitor the flow of gas and equipment 24 hours a day, 365 days a year using a specialized computer system. This system gathers pipeline pressure data, volume, flow rates, and the status of pumping equipment and valves. Whenever conditions change, an alarm warns the operator on duty and the condition is investigated. Both automated and manual valves are strategically placed along the pipeline system to enable the pipeline to be shut down immediately and sections to be isolated quickly, if necessary, allowing operators to quickly address any event at the station.


Periodic inspections of the facilities will help us detect a potential problem and address it before it becomes an actual problem. Inspections include surveys for detecting signs of leaks or other flaws. Visual inspections of the pipeline right-of-way (ROW) are conducted by air and/or ground on a regular basis. The ROW is a narrow strip of land reserved for the pipeline. Above-ground marker signs are displayed along the ROW to alert the public and contractors to the existence of the pipeline.

Operator Qualifications Program

All operation and maintenance personnel must meet industry qualification standards. Our operators are trained and capable of performing safety and maintenance tasks, recognizing abnormal operating conditions, and responding to those conditions.

Public Awareness Program

Our public awareness program is designed to prevent third-party damage to our pipelines. Residents and business owners who live along the pipeline ROW are mailed safety brochures to inform them of their proximity to pipelines and to make them aware of pipeline markers. Additionally, we are a member of numerous One-Call Centers that serve as a clearinghouse for excavation activities that are close to pipelines and other underground utilities. A national "call-before-you-dig" number - 811 - was established by federal law in 2007. Emergency preparedness and planning measures are in place in the event that a pipeline incident occurs. We also conduct emergency response drills and work closely with local first responders to ensure emergency preparedness.

More Safety Information

Interstate Natural Gas Association of America:

Southern Gas Association:

Department of Transportation – Office of Pipeline Safety: