Public Participation

Public Participation

All public documents related to a proposed project are made available through FERC's eLibrary website. These documents include all public correspondence from us, FERC, landowners, and stakeholders. Documents are posted soon after being received at FERC.

To perform a search in FERC’s eLibrary:

  • Select "General Search" from the main page of the eLibrary site
  • Update the date range field, if appropriate
  • Insert the certificate proceeding (“CP__-___”) docket number assigned to the project in the “Docket Number” field
  • Alternatively, you can enter project name in the "Text Search" field instead of the docket number

If you need assistance accessing the eLibrary, call the FERC's helpline at (202) 502-6652 or toll-free at (866) 208-3676, or for TeleTYpewriter, contact (202) 502-8659 or click on

You can also use eRegister and eSubscription to keep track of individual proceedings at FERC. Users with an eRegister account may subscribe to specific dockets and receive email notifications when a document is added to the eLibrary for the subscribed docket.

To obtain information about getting involved in the regulatory process or to access guidelines which provide a summary of your rights and the process when dealing with FERC regulated energy project licensing, please visit FERC's Resources. See also FERC's guide, "An Interstate Natural Gas Facility on My Land? - What Do I Need to Know?".  Additional topics of interest and frequently asked questions about the FERC process can be found here.