Boardwalk has developed and implemented a Pipeline Integrity Management program which enables us to prioritize pipeline inspection and assessment activities, and to complete maintenance activities, facility improvements, and numerous other preventive measures.
Goals and Objectives
The Department of Transportation's Office of Pipeline Safety has enacted regulations under Title 49 CFR 192 for gas pipelines and 49 CFR 195 for liquid pipelines prescribing the requirements for pipeline integrity management. Boardwalk’s Integrity Management Program was developed to comply with all Federal and State Regulations. Ensuring the safety and integrity of our gas and liquids pipelines is a priority for Boardwalk.
Boardwalk applies integrity management principles on both existing pipelines as well as new pipeline construction. Safety is engineered into new pipeline systems from initial planning, design, material selection, inspection, installation, and testing. We follow the applicable laws and regulations as well as use numerous consensus codes and standards for new pipelines as well as managing the integrity of all of our existing pipelines. In addition, we have developed policies, manuals, plans, and procedures which are also used to meet this requirement.
System integrity requires the commitment by all operating personnel to use systematic, comprehensive and integrated processes to safely operate and maintain our pipeline system. Operations and Integrity manuals and procedures ensure that Boardwalk uses appropriately trained and qualified personnel to operate and maintain our systems to our highest safety standards.
Boardwalk’s Integrity Management Plan continues to evolve and improve as new information about the pipeline and new technologies become available. Annual evaluations and reviews are conducted to ensure that the program takes advantage of improvements in technologies and that the program utilizes the latest appropriate prevention, detection, and mitigation techniques. The effectiveness of the various methods will be reassessed and modified over time to ensure the continuing effectiveness of the program and all its activities.
Data Integration
The integration of all operational, maintenance, and assessment information is recognized as a key component for managing system integrity. Boardwalk is committed to analyzing all pertinent information in order to effectively manage pipeline integrity.
Risk Assessment
Boardwalk has developed comprehensive risk assessment methodologies used to determine the types of adverse events or conditions that may affect pipeline integrity. The process is also used to rank the pipeline segments for further assessment by considering the likelihood and consequence of an adverse event.
Ongoing maintenance, assessments, inspections, and lessons learned provide Boardwalk with continuously updating information regarding the integrity of its system. The Integrity Management Plan is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure all new information is integrated into the plan.
Assessment Plan
Boardwalk has completed the identification of High and Moderate Consequence Area locations along our pipelines. Boardwalk also, through foot and aerial patrols, monitors any changes in population along our pipelines. Boardwalk has developed a multi-year baseline assessment and re-assessment plan as required by 49 CFR 192 and 49 CFR 195 Regulations Assessment methods include in-line inspection technologies, hydrostatic pressure testing, and direct assessment.
Communication – Public Awareness
Boardwalk is committed to communicating information regarding our facilities, our integrity management efforts and results of integrity management activities to company personnel, jurisdictional authorities, and the public as appropriate.